ِCenter Responsible
1. Activate the role of the university in encouraging and developing creative and innovative capacities.
2. Encourage the translation of the results of scientific research and creative work at the university into the field.
3. Create an environment that supports innovation and technological development.
4. Provide support and support services to project leaders and disseminate the culture of trademark registration and protection, as well as access to scientific and technical resources.
5. Support activities related to technology transfer and training.
6. Participate in the evaluation of the results of scientific research and innovations in coordination between the university and various institutions and organizations.
1. Access to electronic sources of patents and non-patents (scientific and technical) and publications.
2. Help search and retrieve technological information.
3. Training on database research.
4. Request-based searches.
5. Monitor technology and competitors.
6. Provide basic information on the laws, management, strategies, technological exploitation and commercialization of intellectual and industrial property.
7. Fulfill the conditions required to file a patent application.
8. Provide information on the procedures for filing files (patents, trademarks, industrial designs and models, etc.) and help in drafting applications for filing and registering patents at the national and international level.
9. Accompany and support researchers in developing their ideas to obtain patents.
10. Provide the necessary training in the field of intellectual and industrial property and patents.
11. Cooperation and exchange of experiences with all institutions and organizations related to the tasks of the center.